Sesty Milla SakinaTax Litigation and Dispute Advisor
Contact details
Jl. Guru Mughni No.106, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12930, Jakarta
She has 4 years experience in tax litigation & dispute matters. She assisted many clients from various industry sectors (mining, manufacture, plantation, etc). She has been supported clients filing an objection to directorate general taxation, filling a lawsuit or appeal to tax court, filling memorial of judicial review or counter memorial of judicial review to supreme court with strong analytical with argument strengthen by the evidence along tax applicable laws and regulations.
Indonesia Bar Association (PERADI) Credential License NIA 21.00397
BREVET A,B and C Certificate
Legal Counsel Permit at Tax Court KEP-275/PP/IKH/3022 valid until 2024
Area of Expertise
Tax Dispute Resolution
Tax Objection
Tax Appeal
Judicial Review
Tax Advisory
Industries Experts
Oil and Gas
Carbon Tax
Imagine the power of dedicated professionals with common vision, passion, and spirit for excellence collaborate to provide tax services to selected clients.