Firman MuttaqienTax Litigation and Dispute Advisor
Contact details
Jl. Guru Mughni No.106, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12930, Jakarta
Firman graduated from the University of Indonesia with a degree in Fiscal Administration, majoring in taxation.
Firman also possesses a C-level tax consultant license (the highest degree) and a Tax Attorney license to represent a client. Firman has skilled Accounting Programs such as JD Edward (Oracle), SAP Systems, and Krishand that have helped him handle cases over the years.
With his 16 years of progressive work experience, Firman has handled tax matters in various industries such as EPC Companies, Transportation, Renewable Energy (Hydro Power Plant), Geothermal, Property, Plantation, manufacturing, Trading, Distributor, Hospital, Automotive, Insurance, Consumer Finance, FinTech (E-Wallet), Mining Contractor, Permanent Establishment, and also Oil & Gas company, etc
Firman has been involved in various types of assignments such as Tax Compliance, Audit, Refund, Objection, Appeal, Lawsuit, Judicial Review, Tax Facility Application (such as SKDT, SKB, and VAT Exemption), Tax Reporting Package, Tax Advisory, Tax Restructuring (Merger and Spin-off), and also Tax Diagnostic Review, etc.
Firman also joined as a member of IKPI (Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia) and the International Fiscal Association (IFA)
Highlighted Matters
Firman has extensive experience in representing clients in tax appeal cases in the Indonesian Tax Court
Association Membership
– Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia (IKPI)
– International Fiscal Association (IFA)
Berdasarkan data Pengadilan Pajak, jumlah berkas sengketa pajak menunjukkan tren kenaikan setelah program Pengampunan Pajak (tax amnesty 2016-2017)…
Kali ini, Pak Jaka dibantu oleh Tax Litigation and Dispute Manager TaxPrime Firman Muttaqien untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengenai sengketa pajak…
Berdasarkan data Pengadilan Pajak, jumlah penyelesaian sengketa pajak pada tahun 2022 mencapai 15.561 atau naik 20 persen dari tahun 2021 yang sebanyak 12.959 sengketa…
Lebih dari satu dasawarsa, Tax Litigation and Dispute Manager TaxPrime Firman Muttaqien berkecimpung di dunia perpajakan…
Area of Expertise
Domestic Tax Compliance
Tax Audit Assistance
General Corporate Tax
Tax Dispute Resolution
Tax Advisory
Tax Objection
Tax Appeal
Judicial Review
Industries Experts
Oil and Gas
Minerals: Copper, Nickel, Aluminium & Others
Imagine the power of dedicated professionals with common vision, passion, and spirit for excellence collaborate to provide tax services to selected clients.