Reyna Syalsabella HarahapTransfer Pricing Dispute Advisor
Contact details
Jl. Guru Mughni No.106, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12930, Jakarta
Professional with more than 5 years experience with a demonstrated history of working in the transfer pricing dispute resolution area and officially certified as Attorney in Tax Court. Experienced in handling cases related to intragroup services, royalty, and Transfer Pricing Methodologies.
Advanced Professional Certificate in International Taxation (APCIT)
IBFD Brevet A & B (Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants)
Licensed & Business Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Area of Expertise
Transfer Pricing Documentation
Transfer Pricing
International Tax Planning
Transfer Pricing Dispute Prevention
Industries Experts
Health and Pharmacy
Imagine the power of dedicated professionals with common vision, passion, and spirit for excellence collaborate to provide tax services to selected clients.