Saut Hotma H SibaraniPartner
Contact details
Jl. Guru Mughni No.106, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12930, Jakarta
Before becoming part of TaxPrime, Saut had 22 years of experience with the Directorate General of Taxes, serving in various roles such as Auditor, Account Representative, and Section Head. His most recent position was as Head of the Supervision and Consulting Section at KPP Pratama Setiabudi Dua.
Saut experience and knowledge has gain him the trust to become one of TaxrPrime partner who specialized in Tax Audit and Tax Dispute. His span of experienced and expertises are backed by his education which he received his master’s degree in Magister Management from University of Indonesia. Saut holds Legal Representative License for Tax Appeal.
Di tengah peraturan perpajakan yang terus dinamis, Wajib Pajak (WP) dituntut untuk mengetahui jenis pajak yang benar sebelum melakukan penghitungan, penyetoran, dan pelaporan agar tak terjebak dalam sengketa (dispute) di kemudian hari.
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 72 Tahun 2023 tentang Penyusutan Harta Berwujud dan/atau Amortisasi Harta Tak Berwujud untuk Keperluan Perpajakan telah berlaku sejak 17 Juli 2023
Di tengah peraturan perpajakan yang terus dinamis, Wajib Pajak (WP) dituntut untuk mengetahui jenis pajak yang benar sebelum melakukan penghitungan, penyetoran, dan pelaporan agar tak terjebak dalam sengketa (dispute) di kemudian hari …
Area of Expertise
Tax Advisory
Domestic Tax Compliance
Tax Audit Assistance
General Corporate Tax
Tax Dispute Resolution
Tax Objection
Tax Appeal
Judicial Review
Industries Experts
Imagine the power of dedicated professionals with common vision, passion, and spirit for excellence collaborate to provide tax services to selected clients.